About The Center

About the Center

The Center for Documents and Archives plays a vital role in preserving and managing scientific facts and data that are later transformed into organized human knowledge. This is crucial for government agencies as it supports their ability to make administrative decisions and communicate effectively. Furthermore, documents also contribute to raising the efficiency of administrative processes and procedures within departments. Recognizing the significance of documents and archives to the national memory, the kingdom has issued several legal texts that establish the National Center for documents and Archives. This center, which is administratively linked to the head of the royal court, is responsible for preserving, maintaining, indexing, and classifying documents and archives. This ensures quick access to them when needed and protects them from damage or loss. Therefore, it is evident that documents and archives centers within government agencies play a vital and effective role in preserving documents in accordance with the provisions outlined in the documents and archives system and its implementing regulations.



Faraj bin Khalif Al-Shammari
Director of Archives and Records Center

Vision and Mission

Vision: The vision of the Center for Documents and Archives is to become a renowned reference model for all the documents associated with Northern Border University. The center aims to align with the systems and regulations established by the national center for documents and archives, while incorporating modern technologies and adhering to international standards.

Mission: Our mission is to provide exceptional services of the highest quality to all beneficiaries. We strive to achieve this by utilizing the latest and secure technologies, ensuring the fastest and most efficient means of delivering our services.


 The center's primary objectives include collecting, organizing, and preserving university documents and archives. This is done in a manner that not only fulfills the requirements set by the administration but also safeguards these materials from damage or loss. Additionally, our aim is to facilitate easy reference to these documents whenever needed, in accordance with the documents and archives system and its executive regulations. We also strive to enhance the flow of these materials between various university units and external parties.


  •  After receiving approval, the responsibility involves creating activity plans for the center and ensuring their successful execution.
  •  Overseeing the administrative and technical aspects of the organizational units connected with the center and coordinating their activities to maximize resource utilization and ensure integration.
  • Collaborating with the national center for Documents and Archives to ensure compliance with regulations, particularly regarding the disposal and destruction of records.
  • Obtaining and gathering documents from university units, organizing, preserving, restoring, indexing, and facilitating their access upon request.
  •  Establishing suitable locations and implementing efficient methods and techniques to protect, organize, and circulate documents.
  •  Providing timely and accurate information and data regarding documents to beneficiaries.
  •  Coordinating and cooperating with other similar centers to leverage their expertise for mutual benefit.
  •  Presenting proposals for technical regulations, rules, and procedures governing preservation activities at the university, as per the documents and archives system, and monitoring their implementation.
  •  Suggesting the formation of permanent committees, such as the documents committee, and obtaining approval from the university president.
  •  Collaborating with relevant units to raise awareness about the significance of documents and archives activities at the university.
  • Participating in defining performance measurement indicators for all center-related activities, continuously reviewing and enhancing them.
  • Identifying the center's human resource, equipment, and material requirements and ensuring their provision.
  •  Assessing the training needs of the center's staff and recommending suitable training programs.
  •  Generating regular reports on the center's operations, accomplishments, and suggestions for enhancing its performance.